
Twitter – Faster Than A Speeding Bulletin

February 19th, 2009

Yesterday, I came home a little late after dinner to find I’ve missed about an hour of tweets related to the long-anticipated DemoCamp 19. Visiting the Democamp site, I found no front-page information about the upcoming event, but there was a link to Register for DemoCamp Toronto 19. All the regular tickets were already sold out! As it happens, I had recently completed my year-end and had budgeted to sponsor the event, so I grabbed what was probably the last remaining sponsor slot.

Today David Crow announced DemoCamp 19 and a new issue of Networking Only tickets to the event, again over the dinner hour, and by the time I saw it, the new set of tickets was also sold out.

I’m starting to see the value in an iPhone. I really don’t care to be a blackberry-toting tethered business drone, but there are certain things that are worthy of my immediate attention.

3 comments to “Twitter – Faster Than A Speeding Bulletin”

  1. Dude, I just like taking your money. You get a second spot that you can auction off 😉

  2. I’ve already selected a worthy guest to introduce into the community. Looking forward to the Imperial Pub. Haven’t been there more than twice since my Ryerson days in the early 80s.

  3. […] gap of 7 months. While some folks are not too happy that it is a partly paid event now and that the tickets sold out too soon, DemoCamp has been a vital engine of the local tech and startup community here. Kudos to David Crow […]