busy as a freakin bee
Thursday, November 29th, 2001
Wacky week.
Cable company splits from @Home, screws up customer base during transition in a big way.
Visited my sister and her family an hour away on the weekend, forgot the camera there.
Learned that my tax return from April is FINALLY going to come through – woohoo! Where to spend it all, you ask? Within literally two hours of hearing this, the idler pulley broke on the family van, chewing the serpentine belt, lost steering, overheated engine. Tow, repair, etc. So much for the tax return.
Chico’s having a shindig in Santa Monica this weekend, so they’ve arranged flights for me on Friday, back on Monday. No sense in going to the pier while I’m there, the roller coaster’s nothing compared to my life this week.
Better get the camera for the wacky weekend – oops, it’s an hour drive to get that, but I have two commitments tomorrow on opposite sides of the planet and my wife needs the car for Jasmine’s Dr. appt. So I gotta rent a car.
It’s probably fixed by now, but Linux Today was Hax0r3d today. This is a pretty significant Linux site, root compromised. Whaddya wanna bet there’s not a peep about it in the press. Of course if some bogus open file share on a Microsoft server gets some files deleted it’s page one news.
Wacky week.
Cable company splits from @Home, screws up customer base during transition in a big way.
Visited my sister and her family an hour away on the weekend, forgot the camera there.
Learned that my tax return from April is FINALLY going to come through – woohoo! Where to spend it all, you ask? Within literally two hours of hearing this, the idler pulley broke on the family van, chewing the serpentine belt, lost steering, overheated engine. Tow, repair, etc. So much for the tax return.
Chico’s having a shindig in Santa Monica this weekend, so they’ve arranged flights for me on Friday, back on Monday. No sense in going to the pier while I’m there, the roller coaster’s nothing compared to my life this week.
Better get the camera for the wacky weekend – oops, it’s an hour drive to get that, but I have two commitments tomorrow on opposite sides of the planet and my wife needs the car for Jasmine’s Dr. appt. So I gotta rent a car.
It’s probably fixed by now, but Linux Today was Hax0r3d today. This is a pretty significant Linux site, root compromised. Whaddya wanna bet there’s not a peep about it in the press. Of course if some bogus open file share on a Microsoft server gets some files deleted it’s page one news.