Unwanted Groove upgrade, nonexistent service.
January 31st, 2005If you have ever used Groove, you will know that it regularly pops up a notification that there is some new version of a widget or installation helper. You click ok and it grabs it and installs it into your Groove client.
I got one of those notifications last Monday (a week ago today). As is normal, I clicked ok on it, however this time it downloaded a much larger package than usual. It wasn’t until the package finished and required a reboot that it finally came up and told me that I had upgraded from my paid version 2.5 (paid at 2.1 but upgraded to 2.5) to version 3.0, and that I had to either enter a valid 3.0 key or accept that I would now be limited to 3 spaces (I have 5 active spaces) and that various essential features would start to disappear over the next month (file replication for instance) unless I converted my new “Trial” software to a full license.
No problem, thought I, I’ll just contact Groove and have them right this for me, tell me how to downgrade and still use my data.
I consulted their site to get support. I have a login, but I could not find any indication how to actually get support. See if you can tell how to get support for a problem like mine (without paying) from this page: http://www.groove.net/index.cfm/pagename/SupportOptions/
Finally, I used the problem reporting link that I managed to get to from Groove’s help menu and submitted my query from an online form.
After 24 hours with no reply, I sent an email to support@groove.net.
After 24 further hours with no reply, I sent an email to sales@groove.net.
On each of the emails I stressed that I had yet to even receive an acknowledgement of my contact with them.
It has now been a week and I have still yet to hear from them. Not a sausage.
Here is a quote from their support page:
Outstanding customer care is yet another way that we seek to gain your trust in us as a company that can meet your needs. Our support team excels at resolving your issues quickly. Every inquiry is tracked and managed so we can resolve your issues effectively.
I see no evidence of any of the above assertions.
Groove has been a great tool for me, but I’m now looking for alternatives. I can’t consider it a critical tool in my business with service like this. Could you?
What’s up, Ray? I’ve never had any reason to be disappointed till now.
90 minutes after my blog entry, a support message arrived (does someone have an rss search feed that takes higher priority than their email?) detailing how I can uninstall version 3.0, reinstall 2.5 and then restore from an archive.
Being that my last Groove backup is part of a drive image backup, this would entail at minimum a day’s work that could have been avoided had I been presented with a dialog box that clearly said “You are about to upgrade to version 3.0 – Are You Sure?”
I really had consciously decided not to upgrade to version 3.0 until I was ready to and would have declined the offer had it been clear to me.
Clearly, the simplest way out would be for me to pay the $25 or $50 to upgrade (oops – just looked it up. It’ll be $150 to upgrade to the professional edition. not sure what the filesharing edition does but I’d likely lose functionality from 2.5 Standard). I might well have done that a month from now, but I can’t imagine myself doing so with my back against the wall. I suppose that’s stubborn of me but I think I have a point.
check out rebol ios http://www.rebol.com/ios-intro.html
lots faster than groove I’ve found.
Thanks, Bryan – you’re the second person to recommend that one. I’ll have to give it a try.